Agape Mission Outreach

501 W Second St
PO Box 661
Corning, AR 72422

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Food Distribution

Food is distributed on the first Tuesday of every month from 9am - 1pm. Please bring photo ID, and proof of income (if applicable). Our food assistance program serves around 300 people each month by distributing food to anyone in need.

Food Director:

Joyce Huggins 870-323-0277


Clothing Distribution

Clothing is distributed on the second Tuesday of every month from 9am - 1pm. The Agape Mission Outreach’s clothing assistance program serves around 100+ individuals each month. Any donations made to the AMO must be dropped off by appointment and approval only. We can only accept clothing sizes as are in need at any particular time. We ask that you do not leave bags of clothing or other items at the doors out in elements, those items will be thrown away.

Clothing Director:

Linda Leach 870-857-1520

We are a USDA food distribution site.
We do not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.